Thursday, December 06, 2007

Paging Emily Post

Scenario: A good friend invites you to go out one suggest dinner and she agrees. Unfortunately, your job requires you to work late, so you suggest a time slightly later than normal - 7:30 pm. Your friend agrees. You, who have skipped breakfast and lunch because you're such a slave, er, dedicated worker, are starving....but, out of respect and courtesy to your very good friend, you refrain from snacking on anything until dinner. Even when you manage to make it home for a quick 15 minutes before the appointed dinner time. Even when your hunger pangs are about to drive you insane. Even when a co-worker drops off a piece of birthday cake saved especially for you. You abstain, you sacrifice, you suffer....all in the name of basic, common courtesy.

Which you find out means precisely jack shit at dinner when you discover, to your horror, that your dining companion has already eaten a full meal. One and a half hours before this dinner. A full sandwich and a yogurt. You suspected something was amiss when you asked your friend if she would like to split an appetizer, only to be told "I'm getting soup as my entree". an entree. Yep....that should have been the obvious tipoff. Then, your very good friend orders salad and soup, only to cancel the salad five minutes after ordering it.

I guess I should be flattered that my friend thought enough of me to tell me the truth, instead of claiming some "virus" or other such malady that would have curtailed the appetite in the few hours before meeting for dinner. I choose, however, to be amazed that this friend couldn't wait 90 minutes for nourishment.


Hoffmann said...

If we have learned anything from Kenny Bania, it is that soup does not a meal make. She clearly owes you another dinner.

The Humanist said...

Alas, we split dinner...her end came to about $10 (including the booze).

I forgot to mention...she may not have been hungry, but she was thirsty.

"That's gold, Jerry...GOLD!"

GabsOSteel said...

in my defense - i should've played the virus card! did you read my blog and find out how close to death i am before unleashing your fury on me?!

btw, well done with the exposition. now i need to go find some good youtube videos.