Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Wire: When Bunk Met McNulty

Not to sound like I'm jumping on the cultural elite bandwagon or anything, but The Wire (HBO, Sundays at 9 pm) is about the only part of television in the last decade that has never.....NEVER disappointed me. It has some of the best writing, best acting, best directing. best everything a series could feature. That it takes place in my old stomping grounds (Baltimore aka Charm City aka Bawlmer aka D.C.'s red-headed step-sibling) is a added bonus.

HBO onDemand is such a wonderful and fulfilling tool because it allows me to see upcoming Wire episodes a week before they air. For example, the episode that will air this Sunday (2/24) was available on onDemand last night and.....wow. It contains a scene that will shock the living daylights out of even the most casual fan of the show. I won't spoil it here, but I will say - you never saw it coming.

My favorite part of the show is the obviously close, jovial relationship enjoyed by the two homicide detectives, McNulty and Bunk. Out of all the contrived, hackneyed "buddy" cop duos network TV has spit up over the years, the team of McNulty and Bunk stand apart for the brutality of their partnership - these guys are brutal in their humor, their drinking, their hatred for authority and bureaucracy and their relentlessness in pursuit of their criminal prey.

Another great feature of HBO onDemand (since this post is one big shill for it) is that extra features filmed especially for the show are available. One example was the strange but funny series of Z-list "stars" (ex-WWF wrestlers, former sitcom regulars, etc) reciting whole scenes, word-for-word, from Entourage. For The Wire, the producers present short films on the orgins of key characters....this scene examines the first meeting of Bunk and McNulty and makes me laugh everytime I see it. These are two TV characters I'd love to sit in a bar with and knock a few back one evening.

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