Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The "Hillary in '08" Campaign: January 20, 2007 - April 22, 2008

Dearly beloved:

We are gathered here today, not to mourn, but to celebrate an historic campaign. No woman in U.S. history has won as many primaries or delegates as the campaign of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. She has inspired millions and crashed through the "glass ceiling" of electoral politics and, for that, I applaud her.

However....she will go down with the 2004 Yankees, the 2007 New England Patriots and Goliath as one of the biggest choke artists ever. How did she squander a commanding lead in the polls, a vise-grip lock on superdelegates, all that campaign funding and the momentum she got from New Hampshire?

In the words of the great Fred Willard as Mike LaFontaine in "A Mighty Wind" (click on image):

Will Senator Clinton be able to return to her work in the Senate after this crushing choke job?

Will Senator Clinton decide to run for President again, given how much of a trainwreck her campaign turned into?

Anything else, Senator Clinton?

1 comment:

goose said...

oops, may have been posted a little soon;)