Thursday, August 28, 2008

6:47 P.M, August 27, 2008

Hillary Clinton nominates Barack Obama by acclamation and thus, Senator Obama becomes the first minority in American history to be chosen as the nominee of a major party. A moment of pride for ALL Americans.

All Power To The People


Greg said...

Good stuff. Apparently McCain is launching an attack ad to run locally in battleground states during Obama's speech tonight. Classy.

The Humanist said...

I'd expect nothing less. This election will not be given over...Obama has to take it, starting tonight.

Did you hear about the classy Christians who were praying for "rain of biblical proportions" during Obama's speech tonight. Looks like they're going to lose that battle as well.


Hoffmann said...

Too bad they couldn't get the microphone further away from Schumer. That guy looks more like a tool every day. Did you see him at the Taste of Buffalo? He was walking through the crowd, shaking hands like Joe Public - but five feet in front of him and behind him were aides carrying "Meet Senator Chuck Schumer" signs, you know, lest someone not recognize him.

The Humanist said...

I never leave home with two lackeys in front of me and behind carrying signs that say "Meet The Humanist". That way, we avoid any potentially embarrassing situations of non-recognition on the part of the proles I meet on my daily stroll. It also helps keep the panhandlers at bay