Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Attorney General? More like Attorney PFC Gomer Pyle

When will Congress end the long national nightmare that is the placement of Alberto "I Don't Recall" Gonzales as the nation's highest-ranking law enforcement official?


As has been mentioned on many, many blogs today following his disastrous appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, AG Gonzales is a national embarassment. Of all the Bush Administration's flunky hires, this is the most odious. Of the many cringe-inducing moments from this morning's testimony, perhaps the most chilling was the revelation of a 2006 memo under his own signature, that he granted the Vice President and his counsel and chief of staff clearance to communicate directly with DOJ personnel on any matter under DOJ jurisdiction. Translation: Crashcart Shoot-'em-in-the-face was granted powers solely reserved for the President...namely, clemency. Say, for example, the case of a former aide to the VP who was tried and convicted of a federal charge of obstruction of justice. Ain't life a peach?

Impeach this incompetent toady yesterday!

1 comment:

Greg said...

Hey Eric. It was tough, but I eventually unearthed the link to this site from a very brief, subtle reference on Gabby's blog.

Anyway, according to Ruben Navarrette, who is clearly in touch with reality, any attempt to badmouth Alberto is just an ugly incarnation of this nation's phobia of Latin Americans. He couldn't possibly be actually unfit for the role regardless of ethnic background.

Finally, if you recall a recent episode of "Batshit Politics 101", our curmudgeonly VP is technically a member of the Legislative branch due to his one rarely used Congressional vote tie-breaking role. Perhaps it was under this auspice that he was given DOJ clearance...

and I'm spent.