Wednesday, September 05, 2007

UPDATE: Senator Widestance Goes To The Mattresses

Oh, it's on now, bitches!

In what must be an intentional act to deliver the White House and significant majorities in both houses of Congress to the Democrats next year, Senator Craig (he of the toe-tapping, foot-brushing rituals in the men's room in the Minneapolis airport - see post below) is rethinking his resignation. Because, I shit you not, this clown thinks he can withdraw his guilty plea:

"It's not such a foregone conclusion anymore, that the only thing he could do was resign," Sidney Smith, Craig's spokesman in Idaho's capital, told The Associated Press. We're still preparing as if Senator Craig will resign Sept. 30, but the outcome of the legal case in Minnesota and the ethics investigation will have an impact on whether we're able to stay in the fight — and stay in the Senate," Smith said."

Please, please, please Senator....for the love of all that is pure and righteous, please stay in office and fight! Please grab the headlines away from the dog-and-pony show that will be General Petraeus' report to Congress on the surge (gee...let me guess how that'll go). Please disobey the Senate GOP leadership. I love the smell of conservative fratricide in the afternoon.

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