Wednesday, May 21, 2008

God's Will

While we have been (and will continue to) enjoying the pundit blathering about how devastating and injurious Pastor Wright has been to the Obama campaign, John McCain's own crazy pastor, John Hagee, has been quietly telling his flock that the Nazi menace and the Holocaust was.....wait for it.....God's will. Praise be and lordy-lord.

I expect a week-long expose on this on the Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC....oh wait, that's right! They only care about crazy black preachers.

UPDATE: It's about goddamn time. We've only known about this insane clown pastor for, I don't know, half a year.


goose said...

No they just care about crazy black preachers, who preach the same garbage while a pres. candidate sits there and laps it up with his family for 20 yrs, then claims in shock that he never knew.
Please my friend, spare me the racially based outrage. Hagee is not McCain's preacher, never has been, never will be. McCain has never sat in Hagee's church, certainly not for 20 years, and has looked to Hagee as his spiritual advisor.

That's the big difference my friend. Do you really think that America and the media would give McCain a 'free pass' if he attended a church for years where the preacher said anything like Wright, or Hagee? Hell no. He'd have been villified up and down, and tar-and feathered by now. You might not like it, but Barack has made some poor choices and that's all there is to it.

The Humanist said...


I haven't responded to you because ignorance as stunning as yours deserves to be shunned, not engaged.

goose said...

So much for the liberal belief of free-speech, having an openmind, and acceptance of one and all. Thank God "change is comin'" though, right?

The Humanist said...

That criticism is rich coming from someone who holds back comments on his blog until he's had sufficient time to respond. Your cowardice is matched only by your devotion to regurgitate what Fox News tells you to say.

And liberalism has nothing to do with "welcoming" or "tolerating" bigotry and ignorance. Oh sure, there are your truly salt-of-the-earth liberals who see the good in everyone and treat everyone with respect....not me.

As to your point on Hagee vs. Wright, I will point you to the fact that Senator McCain actively and aggressively pursued this insane clown Hagee for his endorsement to win over the evangelical voters so vital to the GOP. You know, the ones that "Maverick" McCain refused to pander to for all those years, except now when he has a presidential election to win.

Now that this clown Hagee's statements are coming to light (let's not forget he called the Catholic Church "the great whore" and that the Quran contains a "scriptual mandate to kill Christians and Jews" or that Hurricane Katrina was "the judgement of God against New Orleans"), has McCain been so vociferously pressured to disassociate himself? On the contrary, he's allowed to get away with a statement of "well, maybe it was a mistake to court and accept his endorsement, but I'm still glad to have it." Are you fucking kidding me?

Yes, I really do think the media would give McCain a "free pass" because let me clue you in a secret: the mainstream media is in the tank for McCain. They love him...he called them "his base," for Christ's sake! He's still called a "maverick" on TV and print even though he's sold out virtually every principle he's held in the past 9 months of the campaign.

The "change" that's coming through is a restoration of maturity and integrity in our government, not the half-assed, tin-eared cowboy bullshit we've endured for the past 7+ years.

goose said...

Not sure about the "cowardice" tag, nor the "holding back on comments" claim. I don't normally check my blog hourly, nor daily, so responses come when I see them. Though even if I were to take the time to formulate a response, I feel that would be prudent as it is often unwise for one to merely spill forth diarrhea from their mouth without thinking, etc...

It is blatantly obvious to anyone that you, like many in America, have a "love affair" with the "illustrious" Sen. Obama. That's ok, I respect it. To think he'll bring change in the way you speak "with integrity and maturity", well we differ on that point to be sure. Though for someone as intelligent as yourself, who is such a proponent of that course, it seems odd that you would then lower yourself to such contrary actions as using playground curses and derogatory words on your political posts and hurling similar epithets to those whose retorting comments you don't like. But then, it is your blog, and I respect that you have every right to publish what you wish.

As for Hagee, oh yes, he's wacko, no argument there. The situation is different whether you like it or not. He has at least apologized to Catholics about that remark, something Wright has never done to anyone. His comments about the Nazis are ludicrous to say the least, as are those of Katrina, no arguments there. As for Hagee's comments on the Qu'ran my guess is Hagee is referring to this quote:

5.51] O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Not a defense of Hagee by any means, just trying to figure out the basis for his statement. Regardless, that is a separate argument for another time.

Bottom line, he isn't McCain's pastor, never has been, nor is he McCain's avowed Spiritual Advisor that McCain would have listened to and trusted for 20 years. That's the BIG difference my friend.

As for "media darling" McCain, REALLY? McCain is the darling, not Obama? Huh, I'd love to live in the same country that you do. Maybe there hasn't been much focus on John, but then he's not the story right now. Wait till August then we'll see who the darling is. If you really believe that McCain would have gotten a free pass if he were in Obama's shoes re: the pastor issue, that's your belief and I respect it. It matters not how willfully naive I think that belief is, and how much I think that would never in a million years happen, I still respect your right to that opinion...

The Humanist said...


1)Comments on your blog are not posted in real time; ergo, you’ve selected the “comment moderation” which allows you to review comments before they’re actually posted. This is not my conjecture…this is what Blogger offers.

2)I don’t have a “love affair” with Obama. I do have a love affair with competence, maturity and accountability in the federal officials for whom I vote. There’s no love here for the current band of clowns and criminals in charge (and, guessing by the latest approval polls, the vast majority of this country agrees with me) and I look forward to an Obama administration that doesn’t embarrass us at every turn.

3)I’m glad to see that McCain finally rejected the endorsement of a hateful demagogue like Hagee, but, I will repeat – he actively and aggressively sought out this clown’s endorsement! He didn’t just bump into him at Sunday mass…he sought this nutjob’s seal of approval because he knew millions of evangelicals follow this charlatan’s words as virtual Gospel. It’s very disappointing, I’m sure, to moderate Republicans, who cheered McCain’s rejection of the vile and ugly rhetoric of the religious right in 2000, to see him first kowtow to the same bigots (first Falwell, then Hagee) then have to backtrack once their venomous sermons became public

4)You quote the Quran as if this somehow justifies Hagee’s incredibly bigoted and offensive assertion that Islam commands its followers to murder Christians and Jews. Where, in the passage that you quote, does it support Hagee’s ridiculous claim? One could reference any one of many books in the New Testament that could be interpreted to inspire violence against non-Christians, especially Jews (see Matthew 27:24-25, John 8:44, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 and Revelation 2:9). I won’t even get into the Old Testament and all the wacky shit it proscribes (death for eating shellfish?). I wonder – do you know any Muslims? Does it give you any pause to quote a holy text read by the devotees of the second-largest organized religion in the world in order to defend a bigoted, hateful statement made by a clownish charlatan looking to pander to bigots and racists in his own audience?

5)I acknowledge that you respect my opinion, but I have no respect for yours. I cannot respect someone who has no respect for people around him. Specifically, someone who posts a racist e-mail about Obama on his blog and thinks it’s all good fun. I pity you, in a way, that you haven’t been able to broaden your interaction with other cultures in a way that would indicate to you that racism, be it overt or subtle, is a social handicap.

goose said...

I find it interesting, to say the least that you're able to assume so many things about me. After all, we've hung out socially maybe 10 times in the past 6 months. So out of my 30 years on this earth, I would definitely say that brief time we've met would be sufficient for someone in your position to remotely have a clue about what any of my life experiences have been. Please...

Spare me your lectures, keep your pity, believe me it's misdirected here. Whether you respect me or not is really immaterial to me. Don't get me wrong, I'd have liked to work things out differently. Perhaps, have hung out more, learned more about one another's views, life, persona, etc... as friends often do over time. But alas, that is not to be. That said, one thing you should know about me is I don't believe in wasting time. Life's too short. As far as I'm concerned any further discussion here, is merely that, a waste of my limited time on this Earth.

PS- Regarding the Qu'ran, thank you so much for assuming I know no Muslims, nor have any Muslim friends. It really shows how well you know me as a person, and further proves my point above. Moreover, regarding quoting the Qu'ran to defend Hagee, I suggest you actually read my comment before responding. You'll find I was merely trying to guess at the basis for this lunacy, and in fact stated clearly I was not defending Hagee. But then a rush to condemn seemed to be more fitting for your purposes so I shall excuse the transgression, and we'll politely call it a "mild oversight".