Thursday, May 08, 2008

More GOP "Family Values" in action: From Beer to Paternity




It shocks me.....shocks me when a member of the holier-than-thou club gets caught pants down, ass up, drunk in a car, yadda, yadda, yadda. This story, though, is right up there with Senator Widestance for pure deviant goodness. After all, it isn't often than a U.S. Representative compounds his drunk driving arrest by getting picked up by his mistress, who also happens to be the mother of his 3-year old daughter! Here's to you, Rep. Vito Fossella (R-NY)'re doing a smash-up job representing the good people of your Staten Island and Brooklyn districts! No matter that you're a Bush-supporting war whore and a campaign fund embezzler. You're a bigger pimp than 50 Cent. Wowie!

Fossella's private life came under scrutiny after he was arrested for drunk driving last week in suburban Virginia. He has a court date next week, and could face jail time if convicted. Fossella told police at the time of his arrest that he was going to see his daughter in the area.

Fossella has three children with his wife in Staten Island, N.Y. Fosella says he knows there are questions about his political future. But he says right now any political decisions are "the furthest thing from my mind."

Of course "political decisions" are the furthest thing from his mind because his top priority now is avoiding castration while he sleeps thanks to his poor wife who just learned there's a new addition to the family!

Do I even need to guess where this paragon of virtue and morals stands on the issues of the day?
1) Woman's right to choose: 0% rating from NARAL, meaning anti-choice nutjob
2) Civil rights: voted for banning gay marriage and defining marriage as one-man, one-woman. Wasn't given the opportunity to define it as one-man, one-woman, one-mistress and one-bastard-child. Given a 7% rating by the ACLU and 0% by the Human Rights Campaign meaning if you like your civil rights, Vito don't like you.
3) Education: has consistently voted against funding for federal education, particularly grants for black and Hispanic colleges. He does support requiring schools to allow prayer (I wasn't aware that students were prohibited from praying). Perhaps young Vito was praying during the day in school where his class was taught that when you get marrried, you shouldn't be putting your sword in another woman's sheath....and wear a rubber, for Christ's sake man!
4) Families: 81% rating from the Christian Coalition, check....
Also voted YES on legislation on responsible fatherhood via faith-based organizations. Heh.

Rep. Fossella vows he will not give up his seat, not will he abandon his re-election campaign. I wish him the best of luck and advise that he should bring in John McCain for campaign events as much as he can....they can compare stories about fucking around on their wives for years.

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