Thursday, October 25, 2007

Paul Wellstone

Today, October 25th, marks the third anniversary of one of the most shocking events of my political lifetime - the plane crash and death of Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN).

Senator Wellstone, as you can see, wasn't your garden variety, blow-dried politician. He was a proud liberal and probably the only member of the Senate with a conscience. I've identified with Sen. Wellstone more than any other politician in my lifetime (save maybe Howard Dean), because he was genuine and passionate about his public service. I had to love that he was a former Political Science professor before he was elected to the Senate out of nowhere in 1990.

Paul Wellstone spent his life fighting for progressive values, social justice and, most importantly, inspiring people like me to be more active and informed on what goes on around us. His values live on in those he inspired, but I'd be remiss if I didn't take a moment today to say thanks, Senator.

More info on Paul Wellstone here and here

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