Monday, March 10, 2008

Gov. Spitzer Involved In Prostitution Ring.....or, Holy Shit, He Did WHAT?!!

I've been let down by so many politicians, I've lost count. I told myself, time and time again, don't get emotionally involved with a're bound to end up disappointed and betrayed.

That's why I'm approaching the breaking news that Governor Eliot Spitzer is "involved" in an online prostitution ring with some surprise, a little shock, but not a lot of sorrow. I thought he was a good man of integrity and seriousness and would do great things for both the state and Western New York....but, alas, not to be. Another politician hoisted on his own petard, too self-involved and caught up in the hubris to keep it in his pants and do the work of the people who put him in the Statehouse. Color me meh.

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