Monday, March 31, 2008

Great Moments In Latent Racism On Cable TV, Part XXI

Lou Dobbs, who is as racist as the day is long, is mostly successful in covering up his ugly, nativist prejudice on his CNN show by dressing it up as populist "I'm for the common worker" rhetoric. There are a few choice moments, however, when Lou's xenophobia and raging racist tendencies get the better of him and he can't help but unleash the truth. Like this episode, where as he's explaining how sick he is of black people telling him what he can and can't talk about, he comes this close to using the term "cotton-picking"

Hahaha....CNN's advertising slogan for the Lou Dobbs Nativist Hour should be "Lou Dobbs - fighting for your right to say 'nigger' since 1980"

1 comment:

Alex said...

Holy crap! Well, I'm off to watch Dumbo.