Monday, March 24, 2008

Soon to appear with Supply-Side Jones or Death Penalty McGee on the GOP Dream Ticket....

I found this charming story on, a strawberry farmer in Idaho who's angling to replace the soon-to-retire Senator Widestance aka Larry Craig (he of the airport men's room arrest for soliciting), isn't content to let his advertising or his stump speeches make his case for him. No....this man of the earth, this heartland champion of "traditional" conservative values is going that one extra step to show the voters that he means business...

and that he's completely batshit insane. You see, Marvin Richardson is legally changing his first name so that he will appear on the ballot as "Pro-Life Richardson"

"A Senate candidate has legally changed his name to Pro-Life and will appear on the ballot that way this year, state election officials say.

As Marvin Pro-Life Richardson, the organic strawberry farmer from Letha, 30 miles northwest of Boise, was denied the use of his middle name when he ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2006 because the state’s policy bars the use of slogans on the ballot.

Now, though, officials in the Idaho secretary of state’s office say they have no choice because Pro-Life is his full and only name. He says he will run for the highest state office on the ballot every two years for the rest of his life, advocating murder charges for doctors who perform abortions and for women who obtain the procedure." if the poor voters in Idaho hadn't had enough egg on their faces with their longtime Senator trolling for dick in a Minneapolis airport restroom. Now, they get to gaze at a ballot with a grown man who's defaced his own name to make an insane argument. C'mon...who the hell isn't "Pro-Life"? Other than zombies, Sylvia Plath and the Bush Administration (at least when it regards pro-Iraqi and pro-U.S. troop Life)? What he meant to change his name to (or would have, if he had any balls) would be "Anti-Choice" Richardson. Because the extremist wing of the anti-choice movement, which includes farmer Richardson and James Kopp (assassin of Dr. Barnett Slepian), doesn't give a shit about life or children or the sanctity of being or any of that....they only care about imposing their 12th century views and morals on women in the 21st century and you bet that includes preventing women from exercising choice about their health and bodies. These clowns want to control every uterus in the land and turn women back into breed mares.

"If I save one baby's life, it's worth it."??? Hey asshole, how about adopting a newborn? Plenty of them to go around that need loving homes....lots of different colors and creeds too!

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