Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What a Dick

"I kill puppies for fun"

As if we needed any more proof that the current Vice-President of the United States is a soulless, heartless asshole, this four-heart attack, five-deferment chickenhawk douchebag decided to crawl out from his sewer kingdom and open his yap about the disaster of a "war" he's mired this nation in and, specifically, who bears the biggest burden of a debacle that just crossed the 4,000 U.S. death milestone. Sayeth Sith Lord Cheney:

"The president carries the biggest burden, obviously," Cheney said. "He's the one who has to make the decision to commit young Americans, but we are fortunate to have a group of men and women, the all-volunteer force, who voluntarily put on the uniform and go in harm's way for the rest of us." (emphasis mine)

I'll give you a minute while you pick your jaw up off the floor. THE PRESIDENT? Fucking President Bunnypants bears the biggest burden of this shitpile? I thought this prevaricating bastard couldn't top himself when he claimed, in 2003, that we would be "greeted as liberators" in Iraq, but this takes the goddamn cake. Or even his mind-numbingly evil line last week, when he responded to a reporter's question thusly:

CHENEY: On the security front, I think there's a general consensus that we've made major progress, that the surge has worked. That's been a major success.
REPORTER: How does that assessment comport with recent polls that show about two-thirds of Americans say the fight in Iraq is not worth it?

Nay....these were mere coming attractions before this week's gutter pronouncement. And notice how he not only works in the ridiculous plea for sympathy for a criminal president who has sent 4000 men and women to their deaths, but he also works in the standard neoconservative meme that "hey, these saps volunteered". When this coward racist shitstain was dutifully reminded that some 58,000 soldiers, Air Force members, and Marines have been on multiple deployments and have been sent back to Iraq because of the stop-loss policy — an involuntary extension of a service member's enlistment contract, Sith Lord Crashcart vomited up this rationale:

"A lot of men and women sign up because sometimes they will see developments... For example, 9/11 stimulated a lot of folks to volunteer for the military because they wanted to be involved in defending the country."

Ah yes, what would a Bush administration PR stunt be without a reminder that 9/11 died for your sins, or something along those lines. I think the presidential campaign/5 car pileup of Rudy Giuliani is ample proof that the American public will not be swayed by venal opportunists standing in the street yelling "9/11!!! 9/11!!!!".
We are, however, stuck with this flabby jackass and his monkey helper in the Oval Office for 10 more months. One hopes a quick and lethal impeachment can be achieved in half that time before this boorish clown gives another interview about how hard this war is on the President.

1 comment:

William Duane said...

Hey, you know, we can't get blown off course by all these polls that say a majority of the American people think the war was a mistake and they want the troops home now.

You just have to give us a chance to get it right. He kept tellign Raditz 'we're going to get it right.'

Just trust us, we've fucked up every other which way, sooner or later, though, we'll get it right. Until then, we're going to need all those volunteers to stay the course, no matter how many times they have to go back.